What does spring on the prairies have in common with conflict?

Here on the prairies, it seems like spring has missed us completely. Every once in a while, we are teased with a nice day – and everybody finds some excuse to spend time outside. Then, the temperature dips, the clouds return, and we arrive at the office sighing in resignation. There’s nothing we can do but wait – and work to keep our spirits up until spring does arrive.

This patience, resilience and confidence that warm weather is coming are not dissimilar to the characteristic traits that make managing conflict a possibility.

Conflict takes patience – and a good sense of timing. It’s not always prudent to rush ahead into difficult conversations, or try to solve a problem. Sometimes, it’s good to wait until emotions have calmed down, or until new information comes to light.

Dealing with a conflict also takes resilience – the strength to live in the present with the realities facing us while not giving up or giving in. It takes courage to refuse the urge to run and hide, or fight and overcome.

And conflict is best handles with confidence – not the certainty that we are on the winning side, but the assurance that we will survive, that somewhere lies a solution, or a way to move forward, or a way to be content in the present.

Confidence – patience – and resilience. It’s where my thoughts go when I slosh through the puddles to work in the wind and rain.

About mediationserviceswpg

Mediation Services, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is a leading resource in conflict resolution. Our mission is to promote and support effective and peaceful responses to conflict and crime.
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